Happy New Year!
We are a few days into 2021 and so much is happening. I’m part of the planning committee for a huge event taking place later on this month, new book releases are on the horizon, and I’m still working on putting together the program for our Forward Progress project, have new directions for the Life On Your Terms Project, and plan on actually investing in some real estate this year.
I really can’t complain about what an awful year 2020 was. I mean, like everyone else, there were a lot of plans that got cancelled, some people were lost, a lot of money wasn’t made that could have been, and a lot of things that we were on track to make happen didn’t come through. Plenty to be deflated about for sure.
Still, I’m alive and feel alright There are still tons of things I would like to help change in the world, there are a lot of people that I can help in one way or another, and I still have the ability, most of the structures built, and the motivation to do them all. I also have a ton of new connections that I didn’t have before.
That being said, stay tuned for a ton of information, resources, and connections that you can make to help take your business (writing or otherwise) to the next level! This event I’m helping put together is 100% meant to help people get where they want to be in 2021. You don’t want to miss it.
Stay tuned for a post or three all about it!
Happy New Year Everyone!
May 2021 be the best year so far, but so far from being the best year ever!
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