Yep! Twisted Souls Press is alive!!! Its my new imprint that all of my books will be re-published under. We are taking manuscript sumbissions from authors and, there is an anthology submission open until March 15th, 2020 for Twisted Ha Ha’s, a collection of short horror stories with humorous twists, or vice versa. You can check that out here.
The first 3 books in what used to be known as the Fogoyle Series have been released as The Totem of Talons Series. The short stories 1-3 are re-titled and the covers have been redone. You can check them out here.
I will be redoing the bookstore this week. New products for Christy Mann Author and Twisted Souls Press are being added. It is the goal to have much more than just books availabe there. So, if there are products you would like to see included, drop them in the commenta and we will see what we can get added.
I’m working on finishing up the first draft of 2 new novels. They are both part 2 to my previous novels, Death of a Secret and Terrible Friend. Both should be out later this year. Keep an eye out for The Silence of Sophie and The Search for Kovach, among many other titles being released through Twisted Souls Press as the year progresses.
So much has happened and there is so much going on that I can get it all mentioned in a single blog post. That being said, check back with the site weekly. There will be changes happening here and lots of things happening on the Twisted Souls Press site as well!
Oh, before I forget. There are a couple of things I do need to mention. I’m offering writing and publishing coaching services through the press. You can check out the “Services” page for what the services are and pricing.
Happy Writing!
Christy 🙂
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